I been working on tightening up the letter a little bit and incorporating new elements to the letter. In particular, I wanted to ask people for pictures of the book from wherever they are so that I can post these pictures on the website. I also wanted to incorporate our Fund Raiser Code (0527) and the legal language I needed to include, per the terms of our fundraiser agreement with the Central Asia Institute. Maybe I'll also add a "The Kettle" logo in the future--just been to busy with my exam in June to get to work on that. Anyway, without further ado, here's the new letter for future batches of the book:
Dear Reader,
You were chosen by the previous holder of this book because he/she believed that you would benefit from this gift. Three Cups of Tea is the story of one man’s journey to improve the lives of children in poor, remote villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This man is Greg Mortenson, and his organization, the Central Asia Institute (CAI), has built over 70 schools along with other humanitarian projects in one of the poorest and most dangerous regions in the world. Greg Mortenson overcame near fatal failure, heart ache, hostile mullahs, lack of money, and huge cultural differences to maintain his promise to an impoverished people. He followed his heart and built a bridge of understanding and friendship that has done more to foster peace than all the weapons in the world ever can. It is my sincere hope that you will find his story as inspirational as I did when I read this book.
It was after reading this book that I decided to start “The Kettle,” and with it, an experiment/fundraiser/awareness building initiative that we (everyone who has held this book before you, including myself) call the “Three Cups of Tea Book Project.” We ask that you read the book as soon as you can and donate to the CAI, if you wish to support their work. After you’ve read this book, please give it to another individual who you feel you would most benefit from reading it. If you do wish to contribute to the CAI’s mission of peace, please do so via the “Donate” link on our website (listed below) or directly to the CAI on their website (
www.ikat.org/make-a-donation). Our CAI Fundraiser Code for the "Three Cups of Tea" Book Project fundraiser is 0527. If this number is written boldly on a check or placed in the last name box of the in honor section for online credit card donations, the contribution will be added to our fundraiser total. Our goal is to raise $50,000 for the CAI. $50,000 is enough money to build and support a school in Pakistan or Afghanistan for 5 years. In order for the project to work, we will need to track certain information. If we do not follow up with you directly, please contact us via the email listed below and inform us of the following:
· the book number of your particular book (found on the very first page of the book),
· the amount you’ve donated or plan to donate (if any),
· the name, email, and location (city, country) for the individual to whom you’ve given this book (Note: Email addresses will never be shared with third parties. We only need email information so that we can follow up with project participants.),
· and any comments, suggestions, questions, or pictures/videos (of the book) you may have.
We hope to eventually launch 200 books as part of the “Three Cups of Tea Book Project.” We track the progress of each book and the funds raised on our website (listed below). On the website, you will find the path taken and stops made by each book around the world. You will also find posts and other materials concerning various social interests. Please join us on the website. We’d love to hear from you. On a final note, may the example of courage and integrity demonstrated in this book give you the strength and patience to move mountains in your own life!
“The Kettle Rumbles"
New York, NY, U.S.A.
P.S. Please register your name, location, and any comments you may have in the Reader Log at the end of this book. Thank you!
Legal Disclaimer: The Central Asia Institute name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, expressed or implied, of any product, service, company, or individual. For more information about Central Asia Institute or Pennies for Peace, please call 1-406-585-7841 or visit
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